The Story So Far

The Story So Far


Hey there! It seems you’re interested in getting to know me, aren’t you?

I’m a computer science student from Egypt, just about to finish my last year. I’m a bit of a nerd and I really love cats. I’m interested in a lot of different things like computers, playing chess, movies, philosophy, and of course, reading and writing.

Why I Started This Blog

I started this blog because I really like to keep track of things. I love sharing my ideas and what I think by writing. Plus, I’ll be putting up some tech-related posts too!

Writing helps me understand myself deeply. Digging into oneself to find words to express feelings or ideas is important. It helps me explore myself and make judgments. Writing about your ideas and feelings, and documenting them, helps you reflect on your life and mind, ultimately clearing your mind as well.


Until the date posted, life seemed simple to me, but we tend to complicate it. I’m striving to keep my life as simple as possible. If there are toxic people in your life, cut them out. If I’m toxic to you, cut me out. Life’s too short for that, and I’m totally comfortable with this fact. What I enjoy in life is its unpredictability and absurdity. Therefore, I strive not to take things too seriously. Instead, I focus on being a good person every day and strive to be a satisfied person. I expect this will not happen for many things, but I try hard to be a better human, first for myself and second for people that I care about.


I usually find that I can learn from anyone, even if they’re a drug dealer. I believe I have some wisdom to quickly spot fake people from real ones, which helps me avoid many problems. I don’t aim to please people, not even my friends. I try to be as genuine as possible. I dislike situations or people that prevent me from doing so, and often, our relationships stay superficial. I don’t like the idea of pretending to please others, and I’d rather be friendless or alone than wear a mask for acceptance.

Usually, I appreciate people who act as mirrors, reflecting the truth of those they face. What purpose do you serve in my life if you don’t mirror my actions? Hence, I favor honest individuals who aid me in becoming better, just as I assist them in being their best selves by being a truthful mirror.


Learn as much as possible.

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